Wednesday, 8 March 2017

[Alien Hunter X] Planned Classes

So, after having a sit down and fleshing things out a bit more, I've ended up with a large selection of classes. Ultimately, not every team will end up with access to every class (And honestly, i'm considering making a chunk of them 'Choose one or the Other') and I suspect many teams will end up with multiples of the same classes on Missions...

"The Soldier"

A trained military agent, skilled with most weapons and trained in modern warfare tactics. They specialise in improving their own equipment to get the most out of it every mission. They like to keep things by the books - Minimising loss of life and ensuring the safety of civilians.

"The Insurgent"

A human freedom fighter, someone who has lost because of the Invasion and refuses to go quietly into the night. Due to their lack of military training and often their lack of effective small arms, Insurgents have learned how to best ambush the aliens. They're dangerous mavericks who often cause a lot of collateral, especially when alien troop composition calls for something with a little more 'Bang' to take down...

"The Field Researcher"

As much as the Organisation would like to keep their eggheads safely behind walls away from where valuable intelligence can be shot, chewed or mangled, sometimes a researcher needs to head into the field to test new equipment or to gather valuable data that would never survive the journey back to the lab. Field Researchers are less hardy than actual soldiers, but should they manage to make a discovery and get it back to the lab in one piece, the Organisation will benefit greatly.

"The Scientist"

The Scientist isn't exactly fit for combat. However, the Scientist is a genius civilian agent, one who doesn't take leaps of logic so much as boards the express logic flight to its final destination. Whilst wholly unsuited in a firefight, the Scientist excels at gathering information on the Invaders that can be put to good use by inventing dangerous new toys...

"The Technician"

The Technician is a technically minded military agent, one who has been trained to do his often mission critical non combat role under enemy fire. Capable of on-site equipment repairs as well as advanced entrenchment techniques, the Technician is a skilled engineer.

"The Mechanic"

The Mechanic probably misses the days spent in his garage, fixing his (human designed and constructed) personal vehicle. A specialist in vehicles of many kinds, the mechanic knows how to get the most out of a car or a truck, wether that be driving down Invaders on the city streets or rigging that bizzare alien motorbike to drive into the side of a building and detonate.

"The Field Medic"

The Field Medic's skills fall somewhere between soldier and doctor, an agent that has been trained to avoid enemy fire in order to patch up his fallen squadmates. More so than just being a walking first aid kit however, the Field Medic is also a capable combatant and is more than able to provide an area of safety for his injured team-mates.

"The Paramedic"

A civilian Paramedic might not seem like the ideal candidate to have on your squad, but sometimes you don't really get much choice. The Paramedic is fast, able to quickly identify injuries and problems on the field as well as bolt across open ground in order to get behind that cover that his friend just went down behind as bolts of sun-hot plasma fly past him.

"The Armed Civilians"

Armed Civilians are less of a single, solitary civilian fighter and more of a mob of angry people who have been given guns by the Organisation in order to help protect themselves against the Invaders. Whilst they might not have skill on their side, they have numbers by the shoveful, often having more members than the squad they are fighting beside. Theres allways one Civilian who leads the group, but its his friends that make it.

"The Infiltrator"

The Infiltrator is an expert at tactical espionage action, able to take down Invaders with CQC in almost absolute silence as well as sneaking into areas others would be spotted heading into in order to gain valuable intel, steal resources and data or just to kill a specific individual. All in all, theyre "Pretty Good"

And of course, where would X-com be without its Psionic Troopers, hulking Cybernauts and Gene-Spliced Agents of destruction?

I'll talk a little about those guys next update...

Friday, 3 March 2017

Super Sexy Sugoi Shining Princess Prism

Yep, don't mind me, just more doodles...

This time, its of the Maid of Wynn's Changeling character.

Or at least, what she looks like inside of someone's dreams.

Yes, she is totally a magical girl when inside a dream. She has her own themetune and everything.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Hungry Hungry Illithids?

Nope, its not ACTUALLY my new idea for a kids boardgame...

But I would play it.

This is actually one of my favourite drawings, where I decided I was going to try and work out how to do semi-realism in my normal style.

... I mean, its clear that realism isn't my thing, but I still love how it came out.

This illithid has no arms! Like a Glukkon from Abes Oddesy!

In case you want to use it in your game of Dungeon World, heres a (somewhat tongue in cheek) statblock for him:

Friday, 24 February 2017

[NPCs and Antagonists] Giant of the Great Devourer

In an effort to provide less dead air time, I've decided to schedule some posts with my artwork for various games I run or play in.

Here's a Giant of the Titan of Hunger from the Scion game I run, set after the Ragnarok...

Hollow Giant

It stands at a height of almost 8 feet tall at the tip of its hunched back, promising another 5 feet of height if it ever chose to stand up straight, its frame thin and wiry rather than stocky. It’s skin seems naturally black, though covered from head to tip in white ash, like a dusty war paint - its lank hair is red and slick with blood from the bat in its hand, split open like a fruit by one of the giant’s long, sharp fingernails. Its mouth is likewise stained red, no lips or jaw, but a wide maw full of teeth like a leech’s dropping into the darkness of its throat.

Strength: 6 (Epic 2)            Dexterity: 3                Stamina: 5 (Epic 2)
Manipulation: 2                   Appearance: 2           Charisma: 2
Perception: 2                      Intelligence: 1             Wits: 2

Athletics: 3             Awareness: 4            Brawl: 4        Fortitude: 4       
Melee: 3                 Survival: 3                 Presence: 4 (Intimidate Only)

Crushing Grip        Holy Rampage    Inner Furnace        Holy Fortitude

Ambition: 2        Rapacity 3        Zealotry 1        Malice 2

Join Battle: 6
Dodge DV: 5
Soak: 2A / 5L / 8B 

Clinch:                     Accuracy 7, Damage 7L, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy     Accuracy 6, Damage 10B, Parry DV 3, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light:     Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Parry DV 4, Speed 4
Club:                      Accuracy 9, Damage 11B, Parry DV 3, Speed 4

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] -1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] -2 [ ] [ ] [ ] -4 [ ] Incap [ ]

Standard trophy for Giants

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

[Scene Snapshots] Smoke on the Water

If you run some sort of Fantasy Game and you'd like a nasty little random encounter/story thread, why not give this a try? (Stats provided for Dungeon World)
When does this Scene take place?: The Party is travelling by ship either at the start or near the end of an adventure.

Who are the Antagonists?: A Great White Selachii (Shark Man) and a shoal of his Remoran servants.

Why should the Party Care?: Because they are about to be Boarded.

The Party are travelling on a ship to (or from) adventure when off in the distance they spot another ship... and fire in the sky. The player ships crew (There should be enough to sail a ship, but not enough that they can suffer losses and safely continue their journey) attempt to signal the other ship.

Players attempting to Discern Reality at this point might notice a few silvery glimmers fall off of the ship into the water with small splashes and no crew on the other. Players who ask 'What is about to happen' might suspect some sort of ambush ahead.

Wether the players attempt to avoid the ship or get close to it, the only warning of what is about to happen is a crewmember (or party member) spotting silvery shapes moving below the waves...

Followed by the ship hitting something.

That something is a Great White Selachii. Unlucky for the players, it's still hungry.

There will be enough Remorans to keep the entire crew busy in the background, the only number that's important are the ones fighting the players. You wont need many because the Selachii is going to be a significant danger for the players - use the Remorans to make hard moves against players who fail rolls.

The Deep Lungs quality is to represent that the Beast-Men are having to essentially hold their breath to fight the players, and whilst they can stay above water for a good 5 minutes before needing a quick dunk to refresh, they can't stay out indefinitely without beginning to suffocate.

Play up on some of the tropes of sharks when describing the Selachii's actions - have him charge towards a player with his eyes rolled back into his skull and if the players dodge, have him go straight through the guard rail in an explosion of splinters and into the water. If a player gets seriously injured and someone fails a roll, have the Selachii go into a horrific blood frenzy where it loses its caution and is only interested in killing.

Don't be afraid to have him bulldoze someone into the water and attempt to drown them.

All whilst this is happening, describe how in the background the Remorans are Injuring/Killing the crew and, in turn are being injured and killed. When all the Remorans fighting the players die, have the ones in the background driven off victoriously by the crew.

When the Selachii dies, have the Remorans attempt to abandon ship quickly, dragging corpses with them.

And then, when everything has gone quiet and the characters have had a chance to catch their breath, point out that the ship is about to run aground on a tropical island or in known but dangerous territory.
Who knows. They might even find out why the Selachii have suddenly started attacking ships.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Does Sir David Bowie have only one suit of funky Platemail...

... Or does he have a couple of Ch-ch-ch-changes?

A few things will be changing about the blog over the next couple of weeks, fingers crossed i'll be able to keep it up.

Firstly: I'm going to try to be posting more art. Cheifly stuff I have drawn, but also more stuff that's indicative of what i'm talking about to help set the mood.

Much of the Art that isn't mine isn't likely to have a name attached to it unless the artist has put it on the artwork there...

(This one totally is mine, though)

Secondly: Little things that people can snag for various games, like random encounters, story seeds to spark things off and NPC statblocks and descriptions that can be used for various games.

Y'know... actual content.

Thirdly: Reviews, Session Notes, ETC.

Finally: More craft stuff. Whilst we're in the process of getting ready to move, we've not been doing a lot but I have plans.

(Oh such plans I have!)

Alien Hunter X: The Insurgent

A new class for Alien Hunter X...

The Insurgent

The Insurgent has an entirely different play style to the Soldier, whilst retaining a fairly similar front-line fighter feel to it. Instead of military expertise, the Insurgent fights with cunning and the occasional vicious ambush.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Just a quickie... (Ooh Err?)

Thought I might share today's project, a Military Badge for a fictional military group, the Constantinus Military College. I'm currently waiting for a quote from an badge embroidering group about how much it'll cost me to have a limited run produced.

I'm honestly fairly chuffed about the design, its a solid, distinct and borderline professional looking piece!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Alien Hunter X: The Soldier (Finalised Sheet)

Yeah, that's right. I'm still alive.

My previous post **Coughsixmonthago** had a preview of the Soldier sheet!

After getting back into wanting to get this done, I finished off the sheet to a level that's ready to be play tested.

The Soldier Playbook

Tonight, i'm going to see about grabbing a bunch of people for some IRC gaming to playtest the current pile of nonsense I have in front of me.

I also tidied up some of the other stuff I've done, which you can find at the following links...

Mission Selection

Basic Moves

I... I think that without any long term plans for the moment that's all a player needs for the game, since it is a cribbing of the Powered by the Apocalypse system.

Now I just need to work out some sample invaders and I basically have all I need to...